The Ashmolean Museum, similar to the Fitzwilliam Museum, is Oxford University’s art museum. It has a pretty solid collection of European art – second-rate works from first-rate artists and first-rate works from second-rate artists. Permit me to rant a little bit about what their recent renovation has done to their most extensive and quality collection, that of ancient Greek vases. Their vase collection of vases enabled the modern scholarship which allows us to systematically recognize vase painters and date their productions. But they have now replaced the rooms full of delightful vases with a couple of paltry cases’ worth which aren’t even labeled with the painter’s name. Holy effin’ Beazley! Yeah, so the Ashmolean is probably still an essential part of your visit to Oxford, but you’ll have to cross my picket line – I’ll be the one holding the sign that says “Righteous Indignation!”
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