omg omg omg best museum ever! There’s some collection philosophy about comparing similar objects from different cultures (oil lamps from around the world!), but in reality a visit to the Pitt-Rivers Museum is a bush-whack through a thick forest of random objects so bizarre and wonderful that you emerge feeling both ecstatic and a bit nauseous. Just a sampling of what I saw: shrunken heads; body manipulation devises, such as bands designed to make a baby’s skull take on a more pleasing, pointy shape; magical charms, like a bull’s heart stuck with iron nails; and devises for trial by ordeal – nothing like proving that you’re telling the truth by putting cobra fangs underneath your eyelids! omg omg omg excuse me, I have to Photoshop the shrunken heads onto Jonas Brothers posters and hang them all over my bedroom.
Salted Chocolate Chip Tahini Cookies
1 week ago