Look – my knowledge of political history stops at the fall of the Roman Empire (and even there, I’m pretty darn shaky after the first Triumvirate). So I walked into the Clemenceau Museum knowing only that Georges Clemenceau was a great statesman of some sort. Thanks to an audio guide which only sporadically functioned – e.g., it went on and on about his childhood cradle, but refused to say anything when I punched in the number next to a set of dueling pistols – I left without much added to my understanding of the great man, aside from learning that, in addition to his thousands of political speeches and articles, he found time to write novels and even produce a play adapting a Chinese fable. (Photographs seem to indicate that it was a tedious version of the Mikado.) Impressive – even though it can hardly compare to my busy life of visiting museums, fitfully studying for the bar, and napping.
Salted Chocolate Chip Tahini Cookies
1 week ago