Massive, massive PR fail for the Maison Rouge – just one mention in NY Mag and this place would be overrun with visiting Brooklyn hipsters, dancing at its Thursday night DJ happy hours in the café, slouching through Sunday morning brunch + guided visits, ogling at the current exhibition of album cover art… wait, wait. It’s probably better to leave all this to the few, the proud, the really cute in-the-know French bohemians. Yeah, so, contemporary art foundation – no permanent collections – just special exhibitions. The current one, a massive and fascinating collection of albums designed by artists (Leger, Dali, and did you know that Sonic Youth had LP covers designed by Gerhard Richter and by Richard Prince?, oh and a whole ton of Fluxus stuff). Not too much text or analysis, leading to a bunch of “ummmm, am I supposed to know about Polish avant-garde electronic music?” But you know that records are cool enough on their own – you don’t need no stinking analysis.
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